= (15-May-2024) = * Fixed: Version conflict = (15-May-2024) = * Fixed: Version conflict = (29-Apr-2024) = * Fixed: Admin dashboard topbar notification count * Fixed: Fatal error on plugin activation = (06-Apr-2024) = * Updated: File Structure = 1.7.1 (19-Mar-2024) = * Updated: File Structure * Updated: Database adjusted for MyISAM db engine * Fixed: Client discussion notification * Fixed: Some security issue = (6-Mar-2024) = * Fixed: Notification activity conflict in settings = (4-Mar-2024) = * Fixed: Notification user preferences settings = (7-Feb-2024) = * Fixed: Undefined function error for prior php version * Fixed: Notification settings issue = 1.7.0 (4-Feb-2024) = * Added: Service Module * Added: Workflow Automation * Added: Default template setting for Estimate and Invoice * Fixed: Task type and priority update form issue * Fixed: Import lead without description field = (15-Jan-2024) = * Added: Notification checking interval = (10-Jan-2024) = * Update: Export Import Issue * Added: Install, Active and License alert = (29-Nov-2023) = * Fixed: Recurring mail issue = (14-Nov-2023) = * Added: Discussion message and Task Comment edit and delete * Update: Notification * Update: Translation issue = (1-Nov-2023) = * Fixed: Notification Email Subject Language issue = 1.6.9 (26-Oct-2023) = * Update: Email Template * Added: Custom Email Template * Update: Task discussion * Update: Notification * Update: Team Pagination issue * Update: Functional issue = 1.6.8 (20-Oct-2023) = * Added: Task discussion * Added: Notification * Added: Email Template * Added: Webhook issue Deal Stage, Lead Label, Project Status change = 1.6.7 (11-Oct-2023) = * Update: Lead Export & Import issue * Added: Custom field in Export Import * Update: Team Permission issue * Update: Client portal issue * Update: When project request auto set Probability * Update: When project list showing issue * Update: Client portal Project search issue = 1.6.6 (31-Aug-2023) = * Update: Import Export issue = 1.6.5 (18-Aug-2023) = * Update: Functional and Custom field issue = 1.6.4 = * Update: Functional issue = 1.6.3 = * Added: Notification * Added: Custom field types (Number, Email, Select, Multi Select, Date) * Update: Functional issue = 1.6.1 = * Update: Functional issue = 1.6.0 = * Added: Discussion * Update: CSS Issue * Update: Functional issue = 1.5.1 = * Update: Functional issue = 1.5.0 = * Added: Client Portal * Added: Team Role * Added: Google Drive * Added: Public API * Added: Metform * Added: Invoice & Estimate Save Item = = * Update: WooCommerce checkout issue = = * Update: Export Import issue = = * Update: Role permission bug = 1.3.3 = * Added: Custom Fields for Lead, Deal and Project * Added: User Role = = * Update: Paypal payment API = 1.3.2 = * Added: Paypal and Stripe auto subscriptions = 1.3.1 = * Update: WooCommerce Payment * Update: Webhook off/on issue = 1.3.0 = * Added: White Label * Added: Export Import = 1.2.0 = * Added: Zapier, Publy, etc Webhook = 1.1.0 = * Added: Multi-Currency = 1.0.0 = * Initial load of the plugin.